February 13 - March 26, 2016
Nora Shields
Int. / Ext.
The Pit is pleased to announce Int. / Ext., a solo exhibition by Los Angeles based Nora Shields in our second gallery space, The Pit II. The exhibition will feature an installation of sculptural wall reliefs constructed from metal, fabric, and various modes of surface application.
An opening reception will be held on Saturday, February 13th from 6-9pm. A limited edition Riso Monograph has been produced to accompany the exhibition with writing from Lia Trinka-Browner and Sarah Wang.
An excerpt from Lia Trinka-Browner’s Notes on Nora Shields:
“These are objects between countering ideas, doubling-down on both soft and hard materials, involved with and between both parties of painting and sculpture. They are attached to design (I’m thinking about my couch, my wardrobe, my wallpaper) and abstraction (I’m thinking about various shapes and movement that resonate as complicated, but also smoothly executed). These structures are painted, constructed sculptures but more than that: designed, patterned, delicate and loose at the same time…
Stripes are used in barricades and caution signs, jailhouse costumes and flags. Historically, they were used in dazzle camouflage, a somewhat unsuccessful plan to paint WW1 U-boats and troopships. The stripes were mainly black and white and diagonal, turning the ships into painted art barges. They were not necessarily meant to conceal or camouflage, but to confuse enemies…and that didn’t really work well, at least for the war effort, but anyone who knows them loves them!
By using the corner of the room, making that extension (kind of like how a restaurant or bar will put up wall to wall mirrors to make the space just feel larger) the place just opens right up (it really ties the room together) continuing, and making it fold outside of itself.
Between specificity and ambiguity.”
For more information please contact us at info@the-pit.la