Current Exhibitions
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Past Events
Upcoming Events
Current Exhibitions
Past Exhibitions
Upcoming Exhibitions
Past Events
Upcoming Events
Emily Yong Beck: Victory Food
Anders Scrmn Meisner: Giant Postcards of Affection
Infinite Horizons
Keith Boadwee, Head to Toe: Works from 1990-2024
Heather Day: Sinuous Bodies
Shara Mays: Losing Sight of It
Ultraviolet Catastrophe
Isabella Cuglievan: a ripple and a nest
Allison Schulnik: Dumb Phone
Devin Troy Strother: Scenes for Josephine
Sydney Beach Zester: Giddy and Gusto
Joel Gaitan: El Solitario se echa con la muerte y se levanta viudo / The lonely man goes to bed with death, and awakens a widow
Raymie Iadevaia: Hereafter
Wild Life: The Art of Kirk Mangus
Fedor Deichmann: Prajna
James Hayward
Wild Range
Roscoe Mitchell: Ra Shu
Star Roving
Mr.StarCity: Garden of Love
B. Wurtz
Bella Foster: It was a Dark and Stormy Night
Gabrielle Garland
James Ulmer: Water Paintings
Chase Barney: Devil in the Details
Halfway to Sanity
Paul McCarthy & Benjamin Weissman | Cognitive Surge: Coach Stage
Richard Nam & Magnus Sodamin
Jonathan Casella: This Palace
Viola Frey
Emily Yong Beck: Soft Power
There Will Be Perils at Every Juncture
Kelly Lynn Jones: Tiny Tree
James Goss: Gates of Paradise
Roy De Forest & Howard Fonda
Staring at a Sun that Never Sets
We're Outta Here
Moving Mountains
Minds Taking Flight
Living in a Wiggly World
Maryam Yousif: Tamur Land
Chase Biado: Liquid Night
Hot Spring
Craig Kucia: the night I told my story to the sky.
FriendsWithYou | Koichi Sato | Emily Yong Beck
Sam Jablon: Devil Town
Into the Vortex
Raymie Iadevaia: To the Ends of the Earth
The Bioelectric Self
Erik Frydenborg and Anthony Miler
Federico De Francesco and Emmett Moore
Sophie Larrimore: Please Proceed
Bella Foster: You're What this World Needs
Leena Similu: a.k.a.
Heather Day: Split Screen
FRIEZE No. 9 Cork Street
Beyond the Black Hole
Light Up the Sky
Isabella Cuglievan and Tamara Gonzales
Nora Shields: Thresholds
Chasing Phantoms
James Ulmer: Outside, Inside
James Goss: Wonderland
Joani Tremblay: Three Miles an Hour
Howard Fonda: Dreamer
Ben Wolf Noam: Empire of Light
Kelly Lynn Jones: Love Letter
Jennifer King: beckoning towards a greater horizon
Cake Show
Devin Troy Strother: Undercover Brother
Ryan Schneider: Knock on Wood
Maryam Yousif: Nineveh Fashions
Keith Boadwee: Frogs & Dogs
Run with the Wolves
Heather Rasmussen: animal, vegetable, mineral
Dog Days
Wild Frontiers
Anthony Miler: Witness
Jennifer Rochlin, Bella Foster and Viola Frey
Adrianne Rubenstein: Bark of the Town
Austin Eddy: Light Reflecting Distance
Craig Kucia and Peter Shire
Erik Frydenborg: Shear Stress
Liz Markus: T Rex
Talking All Morning
Elizabeth Ibarra: Proceed
Jaime Muñoz: Modern Times
Jennifer Rochlin
Craig Kucia: Whales
Coloured Publishing
Riders of the Red Horse
Bella Foster: We’ll put on the day and wear it till night comes
Elizabeth Huey: Divine Intervention
Paa Joe
Keith Boadwee: God’s Eyes
Miyoshi Barosh
Diana Yesenia Alvarado
Tony Marsh: Like Water Uphill
Sun You: Libraries
Binder of Women #2
Allison Miller: C A P R R I U S
Jennifer Paige Cohen : Peacock in the Sands
The Pit Presents… Adams and Ollman
SASSAS 20th Anniversary Exquisite Corpse Auction
The Flat Files
Benjamin Weissman: Praying to Hallucinations and Getting Results
Tyler Macko: COFFYNS
Human Nature
Christina Tubbs: The Superwomen with Monkey Money Daydream Amazing
Hilary Pecis: From a Place in the Light
The Pit Presents… Left Field
Jennifer King
Amy Bessone: Reclamation Island
Emily Marchand: Solarium
The Pit Presents... Levy.Delval
Brittany Mojo
Tim Presley: Under the Banner of Concern
Nora Shields: Harder Volumes
The Pit Presents... Lyles & King
Hamtramck Ceramck
Heather Rasmussen: Pile / Plié
Tamara Gonzales: Ó Lua
Sharif Farrag
Paul Pescador: The Pyt
Adrienne Rubenstein: I love worms
Bella Foster: Does the earth love you back?
Friends & Family of the CSULB CCC
Objects for Others
Sun Gazers
Vision Valley
Laurie Nye: Venusian Weather
Mindy Shapero: Second Sleep
Nick Kramer: No Neighbors, Street Lights Are Out
Jennifer Rochlin: Wild is the Wind
Jessica Jackson Hutchins & Rebecca Morris: Secret Sister
Benjamin Weissman & Ravi Jackson
Nikki Maloof: Chauve-Souvis
Nerve Center
Erik Frydenborg: Gated Snare
Jim Drain: Love Letter To Varvara Stepanova
Press Your Space Face Close To Mine
The Brightsiders
Keith Boadwee and Club Paint: Country Sad Palette Man
Florian Morlat: Everything Has an End, Only the Sausage Has Two
Jennie Jieun Lee: Seizure Crevasse
Forest on the Edge of Time
Mark Verabioff: Civil Piss War
Binder of Women
Secret Eater
Allison Miller: Screen Jaw Door Arch Prism Corner Bed
Adrianne Rubenstein: Peaceful Alien
Stanya Kahn: Heatstroke
We Like Explosions
Amanda Ross-Ho: Eternal Flame
Madames Electrics
Sonja Gerdes
Flavr Savr*
Nick Kramer: Spirit Baby
Reveal the Rats
Nora Shields: Int. / Ext.
Erik Frydenborg: An Erik Frydenborg Omnibus
Edible Planets/Soylent Dialogues
Surface of Color
When the Sun Hits
Lost in a Sea of Red
The Elegant Universe
Patrick Rock: California Split
Where the Sandworm Slumbers
Mending Wall
Death Ship
Top Coat
The Outlanders
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